Friday, November 28, 2008

~Job trouble take 2~

WTH! Now I really took up a job at AusEd (An Education Advisory Company). I don't really wanna work yet, but they know my brother and constantly reminding me of the JOB! Oh great, now i've been persuaded. =(

The job pays quite well also, RM5 per hour. At first I was told that I can try out for 2 weeks but then later, different story, it turn out to be at least a MONTH! =.="

If like that why not I just took up the job at Dell? Instead of having my mum drive me there every morning, at Dell, my brother can fetch me. D: And that place is not close to my house. But... What to do, promised is promise. *shrugs*

Another thing I have to consider - IELTS! IDP (Another Education Advisory Company) called me not long before that. They told me I got my conditional offer from ANU. The condition: take IELTS and get better than band 6.5. Well, apparently they are not quite satisfied with a D for GP(genaral paper). I'm worrying if I can take it in January since I had accepted the JOB at AusEd, if not then... big trouble. Haiz...

I asked Kal about IELTS, he said it's easy as pie, since he got 8! Duh, and also an A for gp. ==" Now how do I compare with him? T_T

Of course I made a plan for all these troubles. I'm GOING for the job (I never break my promise, at least I never remember I did), take IELTS without attending the workshop if January is not an option, and buy the books to read up myself, then there's no time for resting.
Worst Case Scenario:
-If I fail to get a satisfactory result, then i'll pay the fees with the MONEY if got from doing part-time. T_T
Best Case Scenario:
-Get a GOOD result and I can keep my MONEY. Yay, and getting good IELTS also grant me the qualification to apply to many other Universities. =D
Better Alternative:
-If I can do it only on January, then i will have a greater chance of getting good grades. Also, if my GP result is not as bad as before, then maybe I can just forget about IELTS, and save 530 or more. =D

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Taggy Time! =D

[ F.A.R.T. ] Freakingly Amazing Rectal Tension Ver. 1.0 by Wasabi

1.Define Fart.

o.O? The title says it all. =D

2.Define Flatulence.
Gas produced from the @rse of more educated people.

3.Do u fart often ? And if u do. Does it smell of roses and raspberries?
It smells like... FART! Yay~

4.Do you have an idol at home? If u do. Is it ( perchance ) that of the Almighty Fart Emperor ?
Emperor of Fart? Wooo~ nope. My idol at home doesn't worship Fart Emperor, only the Monkey God! Yesh~

5.Do you mind answering questions 3 and 4? If you do, kindly tell us why.
Nope, I don't mind. So, no needa answer this. =P

6.Do you bottle your fart ? If so. Explain why. If not, please do so. =)

Bottles fart sounds interesting. It shall be made into FART BOMB! Just light it and throw, just like what you do to molotov cocktail! =D

7.Who do you know farts a lot and inhales fart on a daily basis?

Aha, Wasabi said he's the man! Woot!

8.Do you fart excessively in times of dire need? Define dire need.

D: WTH! O.O! Err... Aha, yes yes, when the toilet needs me very much. Aye, just before the bombing begins. DIRE NEED! XD

9.Do you wish for this tag to end?

10.Describe the most outstanding feat you have ever achieved using the insane powers of fart-ism.
I err... hmm... poisoned all my enemies. =D
But the problem is, I have none. So... *shrugs*

11.Have you ever tried electrophoresis on fart ?
Electrophoresis? Woa, hmm... I wonder how this can be done. Do we dissolve it in some solvent? Or encapsulate it in some kinda liposome? *shrugs*

12.Have you ever farted a million times in your life? If so, describe the effect it has on your rectal muscles.
A million times? Woooo, no idea, I never really made a counter for farting. But I don't think I reached that yet. XD

13.List down the properties of the fart you possess.
-Definitely smells like fart
-First sign of emergency... aye!

If you think this tag's interesting, just do it. =D

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

~Job trouble~

My brother asked me if I wanted to take up the job at his company. Coincidentally, there's a vacancy. It pays higher than salary of my brother. 1k+ a month! Woot! It certainly is a huge sum of money. But after a deep consideration, I made up my mind - NOT going.

Well, i have my own thought about it. I JUST FINISHED MY EXAM NOT LONG BEFORE! What the heck, you want me to abandon my holiday after 10 DAYS! Dung, this is simply ridiculous.

I have not been able to do things that i wanted yet. And 10 days of holiday after such a long and stressful studying is simply unacceptable. There are just so much that I wanted to accomplish. For instance, gaming until my PC blown up. XD you would not believe that would you? Lol

I just need more time for relaxing. Duh~ And I do understand the working experience I can get is invaluable. Well, only if it's working for a few days, then maybe it's ok. But the whole MONTH! =X And from morning till night. @@ I'm going to go ~crazy~.

Alright, back to GAMING. Yipee~ =P

Monday, November 24, 2008

Another Day to Blog about

Hmm... Today, i spent most of my time at my friend's house. Woopie~ Ah, of course, he's my neighbour. =P

I went there because another of my friend was there. More people = more fun. Haha

Alright, we spent our time playing at Wasabi (aka Arcanix)'s house. Playing here, obviously refers to his PC games! Wahaha. Coz, my PC is obsolete. Haiz~
Also, Wasabi has a cute doggy. Oh yaa~ Named : Terry

And so, Wasabi showed us his pro-ness in Yuri's Revenge. Hohoho, finishing the enemy with a click of a BUTTON! Whoosh. Of course, not just a click though, I was just exaggerating. If not he's better off on stage performing... MAGIC! =P

He also managed to persuate another friend, Soony for a battle. Soony's side looked promising at first, but later end up with a handful of troops to guard his base. With another few click-clicks, boom, Soony's DEFEATED. And so he wanted a rematch. So be it. Too bad, round two ends sooner than the first. I wonder what that means? LOL. (Dun mess with WASABI! It BURNS)

Aye, then it's Kal (aka Xeonesis)'s turn to show how pro he is in StarCraft. o.O? Is he really that good? XD. Nopey dopey, he's just better than both of us. He had a hard time defeating two enemies with another of my friend - Shandy. Aye, you got it, it's SHANDY, and he can drink too. He won in Beer Binge during our last Prom Night. Bleh~

Wasabi also showed us some of his other games. Like the Sexy Vampire games where you can SEDUCE people! Woooooo~ Spooky~ And also Max Payne and Baldur's Gate.

Hmm... are you wondering about what i did there? Noh, too bad, i did pretty much nothing more than watching them play. Coz, i'm not really into those strategy games. I played once, against poor little AI. Easy as pie. Duh, they don't even know how to build strong armies. Killed by a noob like myself. =P

Before returning home, I got a copy of the game from Wasabi - Yuri's Revenge! Wow, thanks mate. But it's really not my style. I prefer RPG, shooter and other games which require less STRATEGY. =D

Until next time, see ya for now. ;)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

New Blog Had Arisen!

Alright, what a pleasant day to start blogging, my brother's car was hit by a Mercedes! How nice...

Well, it wasn't that bad. The reverse sensor got knocked, and "sink" into the car boot. Besides that, there's not much damage. =P

It was an uncle (of course i mean not... young). *Ahem* He was behind our car at the T-junction. He didn't notice our car stop in front of him and came banging into us. *BOOOM* I thought our silly local Myvi is gonna be dented with such a loud crash. Fortunate for us, it's just the sensor and a little scratches.

And not long after that, another BANG! Wooo... just 50 metres away, a car "kissed" the "butt" of the car in front of him. Ha, must be busy "kapo-ing". LOL~ But i think it's nothing too serious also. What a LUCKY day! XD

And so, we came down of our car and waited for that uncle to come down, and we start discussing. He asked how much should he pay, and my bro, not too sure how much it's gonna cost for the repair said... 100-200 bucks, but apparently, that uncle only heard 200. And his face started to go red and picked up his handphone and show my brother the number for his repairman. But the guy didn't bother to pick up. At last, he reluctantly gave my brother his "house" phone and hurriedly drive away. My bro later confirmed that it's a fake one. So... *shrugs*

Anyway, later that repairman did called at last. And we went to his shop to confirm the location. But of course the car is not yet repaired. It will take sometime you see. So we left it as it is for now. We shall go back when we got the time. =P
Alright enough of whining about that accident, lets talk about the title of my little blog. Hehehe

Why Pages Of Books, well, it's clearly my BOOK, duh. Whose book will it mean anyway? And it's my character's name in runescape - Pagesofbooks. But someone stole the name, so, this time, i can only put "(s)". Haiz~

Alrighty, this's my first blog, so, you might find it not appealling at all, then... LEAVE! Muahahaha. Of course i was just kidding. =P

Your visit is much appreciated. =D