Tuesday, November 25, 2008

~Job trouble~

My brother asked me if I wanted to take up the job at his company. Coincidentally, there's a vacancy. It pays higher than salary of my brother. 1k+ a month! Woot! It certainly is a huge sum of money. But after a deep consideration, I made up my mind - NOT going.

Well, i have my own thought about it. I JUST FINISHED MY EXAM NOT LONG BEFORE! What the heck, you want me to abandon my holiday after 10 DAYS! Dung, this is simply ridiculous.

I have not been able to do things that i wanted yet. And 10 days of holiday after such a long and stressful studying is simply unacceptable. There are just so much that I wanted to accomplish. For instance, gaming until my PC blown up. XD you would not believe that would you? Lol

I just need more time for relaxing. Duh~ And I do understand the working experience I can get is invaluable. Well, only if it's working for a few days, then maybe it's ok. But the whole MONTH! =X And from morning till night. @@ I'm going to go ~crazy~.

Alright, back to GAMING. Yipee~ =P


ShimmerVoid said...

OMG 1k a month. /faints

Mits said...

Ya that's a lot for starters/part-time. =P

ShimmerVoid said...

Eh. Too bad its full-time for a month. If not u could've gotten something like *ahem* a psp. Yay. :D

Ripalo Cal said...

erm...erm...wat kind of job is tat...if im interested can i take it. =P.

it's better than the pay of a technician with a diploma. =\...

Mits said...

I think anyone can apply. But too bad the job is took by someone else. I guess it's a hot cake for grab, first come first serve. *shrugs*

Ripalo Cal said...

hmmmm....wat job is tat? open up my eyes see see....tell tell. =)

Desmond Wee said...

Mits, I am sensing a strong addiction to computer games in you.

Mits said...

Hehehehe, i'll take that as a compliment. =D