Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Oooh yea, my bro and my family skyped almost everyday since he left. There's one bad thing about ANU though, which is the internet access is not free. It's charged at 1 cent(Australian Dollar) per MB download, which is rather expensive. A minute of skype is around 1 MB already, maybe more. In a university, should give free wi-fi mer, especially the famous ones. Haiyo~

Anyway, the longest we chatted lasted more than an hour. Long huh? =P

He complained alot about the long walking distances from campus, shopping centre and banks. That's normal since he got the accommodation outside his University. Also, there's some slight problem with the health cover thingie. Well, as a summary, he does complain alot. =D

It would not be the case if I followed suit huh? Since I also got an unconditional offer before my actual result came out, and also promised a scholarship of 5000 Aussie per year for 2 years after my actual result was out. But still... the tuition fees are too high even after deducting 5000. Haiz~ I guess i'll have to apply to the coming scholarship and see how thing goes. =)

Friday, February 13, 2009

Flew away~

My bro just left for Australia today. I dun feel sad, excited, bored, or whatever else u can think of. Well, maybe i do feel a little... "empty" somehow. Perhaps I have experienced this type of separation before during National Service (his, not mine, since i HAVEN'T gone there). And yes, my flu is still with me. =/

Hmm... let's talk a bit of my brother. He had been like a lamp for me, not that he shines the way to allow me to "see" them, but rather make me feel more confident because I know he "walked" the path I'm "walking". That's really it, it's been like a stick for an old man (me) to hold on, and learn not to fear. Now that he had gone overseas, I do feel a little scared, or maybe not scared, but rather less confident in my undertakings.

After seeing him enter the waiting room, we still wait until the board shows "departed" along the line of his flight status. Then, we went for dinner at Kenny Rogers in the airport. It cost us nearly 200 for 6 adults and 2 children! I guess that's normal when u dine at airport. =/

I felt extremely tired on the way back home, but here i am, 11.33 still blogging. I think i gotta stop now, my head is heavy... Sayonara~

Thursday, February 12, 2009


I'm sick of being sick, i'm sick of life, i'm sick of games, i'm sick of calls, i'm sick of internet, i'm sick of everything.

Now i've got a sore throat and flu a few days ago, but it's still refusing to reside. Damn it! This is in a BAD timing. First i miss Ripalo's farewell party, then the badminton, and my brother who's gonna be going to Australia on Friday is infected by me. D:

Being sick means i cannot do many things, like sport. Being sick means i am stuck at my house, doing repetitive things and it kinda become chores to me, which is... wake up, eat, play games, eat, continue playing, watch tv, eat, sleep... And the whole thing just repeat itself the other day. WHAT A LIFE!

Darn flu, GO AWAY!!! =(