Thursday, February 12, 2009


I'm sick of being sick, i'm sick of life, i'm sick of games, i'm sick of calls, i'm sick of internet, i'm sick of everything.

Now i've got a sore throat and flu a few days ago, but it's still refusing to reside. Damn it! This is in a BAD timing. First i miss Ripalo's farewell party, then the badminton, and my brother who's gonna be going to Australia on Friday is infected by me. D:

Being sick means i cannot do many things, like sport. Being sick means i am stuck at my house, doing repetitive things and it kinda become chores to me, which is... wake up, eat, play games, eat, continue playing, watch tv, eat, sleep... And the whole thing just repeat itself the other day. WHAT A LIFE!

Darn flu, GO AWAY!!! =(

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