Friday, March 20, 2009

Wasabi The Shimm - best friend and neighbour

Today, I woke up at 7am when I used to wake up at around 11... Just wanted to bade goodbye to an old friend (not in age of course, he is still young). =D

Hmm... how many hours have I really slept? I slept at around 1.30am, so it should be like 5 hours 30 minutes. But now I'm feeling quite energised, just wanted to write it out before I forgot the details.

After I ate my breakfast, I waited until 7.30 before I send a sms to him, telling him I am awake, and reminding him to at least meet before he went to KL, just don't want to wake him up too early, like what I was afraid he might think.

Tick tock, tick tock... I waited for his reply on my couch, resting my eyes...

8.30, he replied and said he shall come over asap. I was wide awake and stood by the main door... waiting...

After like 10 minutes, he arrived, with watery eyes (I just thought he had not enough sleep at first, but no...). I never knew I meant so much for him, I know we are quite close, but not THAT close. After all, I understood it is all worthy to sleep little, than to miss a friend's farewell...

We did not talked much, just had a brief hug, and I said "bon voyage". Thinking about it now, I'm starting to regret not giving him enough squeeze in that hug (still feeling a bit shy). =/

After saying bye for a third time, I watched as he went back to his house. I stood there, looking out to the road in front of my house... for around 30 minutes... Thinking back the good old days when we were together. And perhaps hoping to catch a glimps of his shadow for the last time. I had no idea when are we going to meet again...

Wasabi aka Shimmerweed aka Gerald Khoo aka Cool Chung Ren, had been studying in the same school as I was since primary school. In Shang Wu, we don't really know each other, in fact, I disliked him at the time because I always saw him arguing with other people, giving me an impression as a hot-tempered person. And I was in H class (last class), while he's in B class (Best class), maybe a bit of envy...

We officially met during high school, Chung Ling in form 2. It was 2TBC (In this case, B is considered 2nd to A). At the same time, I met Mickey Mouse! =D Not the one from Disney though, but from Chung Ling. =P And that was also when I found out that we were neighbours! For 7 years (6 years primary + 1 year secondary) of studying in the same school, we were not aware! How strange...

I can still remember quite clearly how I had been working with the two monitors of my class (Wasabi and Mickey) in skipping classes that we don't enjoy. Hahaha, we always said we went to see some teachers. *shrugs*

This friendship we share are quite an extraordinary one. We are separated in our height quite distinctly. Tallest: Wasabi, Shortest: Mickey. =D (fortunately, I'm not the shortest... =D)

After Form 5, Mickey went to Melacca for Matrix, me and Wasabi went to Disted. Just managed to contact Mickey recently. In Disted, me and wasabi are seen quite frequently glued together, and people starts crapping... about being gay, bla bla bal... *shakes head* Sometimes I do wonder why girls can stick together and hugging publicly while not drawing such remarks from friends... And they are complaining about gender discrimination... And we were not even doing anything close to that sort... =/ Anyway, I think we started to keep a bit away from one another (maybe just me). *takes a deep breath* damn man, who started that gay thing? *breath out heavily* =(

Okay, but we are still close friends, we help each other out sometimes, discuss our homeworks, play games together, I even started this blog because I promised him I will. *shrugs* I only wish that our friendship will last for at least a lifetime. A friend like him is few, we must and I will treasure it.

Keep in touch brother! And GOOD LUCK! =)


xzenith said...

LOL.... actually i never saw wasabi get angry before in primary. xD

yeah he is a hell of a [s]gamer[/s] guy. cherish him =p

btw... walaoooooooo mickey still alive ah? so long never hear from him d.

Mits said...

Hmm... perhaps it's always a coincidence that I saw him in his bad mood? *shrugs*

Haha, yea... me too, why not cherish me? XD

Yup, alive, but sounds like he's suffering. I think still at Melacca.

His email address: if you would like to contact him. =P

xzenith said...

cherish u ah? any suggestion or not. =( im like half the world away from you, cannot even give u a hug.

=p i have his email when we were in the same class, but i never see him online one!!

Mits said...

Haha. =P

Oh, he seldom use msn to chat, coz he doesn't have a pc. He only use the public computer to check his email occasionally. =)

xzenith said...

aiks.... so sad like that.

nvm, come to US apply those smaller uni very easy to get scholarship.

When u reach US ill go over and hug u =p

ShimmerVoid said...

=D *super big smile*